Claro offers intentional embodiment classes designed for building mind-body alignment
Experience safe healing using your own breath cycle as the tool. Sign up for a powerful session where you are led into your body and soul to release limiting beliefs and unlock your innate wisdom.
Learn more about the practice and practitioner here.
Be guided into a deeply experiential sound journey through brainwave entrainment and crystal singing bowls. Sound bath sessions are available for individuals, couples and groups, and great for both novice and experienced meditators.
Asana, the physical practice of yoga, is what brings most of us to the mat, but we believe yoga beings the minute we roll up the mat. The 8 Limb Path is the embodiment beyond the studio walls and honors the ancient practice and the teachers that have come before us.
Led by local artisans and creators, join us for seasonal offerings and workshops to inspire your creativity and inner muse.
Our facilitators offer private ceremonies for groups and individuals. Reach out to our facilitators directly to inquire.